Soon more services online the url shortener service earn money for adsense revenue sharing your shortened links with easy way to earn extra money ! Use a URL shortener service.  All files are Copyright to their respective Owners , and does not own the copyright to files shorting by users . now you can earn money by your links to your sitesOr forum . linkaty is a great platform for shortener service their creative work.To report copyright . Don't shorting anything illegal or pornographic! these files will be Deleted. .

If you're stumped and need a little help, you're on the right page. You'll probably be able to find the answer to your questions right here. If you have a question that is not listed please feel free to contact us.

This Site allows publishers to shorten any URL and earn income by sharing the shortened URL. Advertising is shown to the viewer on their way to their destination URL. By using the Site's service, you agree that the Site includes advertisements on the shortened URLs which is a requirement for the Site to operate.

Features :
*Urls Quick sharing.
*Multiple URLs can be create at the same time.
*create URLs via the right click context menu.
*The fastest way to do a customizable Your Links.
*Global links to create Urls instantly.
*And many more...